July 1, 2024

2 sept 1992 año - Howlers


Ron, Harry and Malfoy receive howlers. Ron's is first, once it's finished Harry opens his. He is highly embarased that hismother sent him one to express her displeasure with his actions, and he's even more upset because she basically says the exact same things Snape had said she would. She doesn't yell at him, but she does speak in a very disappointed tone that hurts his heart. After the howler ends and tears itself apart, harry sulks on the table, angrily remarking that he didn't know why she bothered, she's obviously got more important things to care about. this causes his friends to exchange glances. At the Slytherin table, Malfoy's howler explode from being ignored.

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2 sept 1992 año
Ahora mismo
~ 31 years ago