April 1, 2024

29 dic 1890 año - Massacre at Wounded Knee


The final clash between federal troops and the Sioux. The government was worried about the increasing influence of the Ghost Dance spiritual movement. Many Sioux believed that if they practised the Ghost Dance and rejected the ways of the white man, the Gods would create the world anew and destroy all non-believers, including non-Indians. Reservation police (Indians) tried to arrest Sitting Bull, mistakenly believing he was a Ghost Dancer, and killed him in the process.

Two weeks later, the US Army's 7th Cavalry surrounded a band of Ghost Dancers near Wounded Knee Creek and demanded they surrender their weapons. A fight broke out between an Indian and US soldier. A brutal massacre followed after a shot was fired. 150 Indians were killed, nearly half of them women and children.

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29 dic 1890 año
Ahora mismo
~ 133 years ago