June 15, 2024

23 nov 2020 año - Disbandment of Genesis and Sovereign


The Collapse of Sovereign and The Events that Soon


Somewhere around October 22nd the two galactic alliances Nations of the Oracle (NOTO) and the galactic superpower Genesis came together and decided to form a mega alliance to rival a common enemy; Retribution. Retribution was a Mega-Alliance consisting of
the two alliances: The Golden Accord (GA) and United Corporations (UC). But as tensions grew within Sovereign the cracks began to show. it was brushed off as an overreaction or none-sense as HR’s believed that everything was fine. It wasn’t until when the accusations started falling in were the cracks turning into sides of a long scandal and game of finger pointing. As Sovereign failed to maintain itself, another storm brewing in Genesis.
Factions apart of Sovereign:
JUNO (And JUNTA but they merged into JUNO)

VYKDOM (for the most part)
SJ-C (Friendly)
ISC (Allied)


Sovereign started out as an agreement with the Nations Of the Oracle (NOTO) and
Genesis. As their moral enemies: The Golden Accord (GA) and United Corporations (UC) had
recently forged both of their alliances into a mega alliance. xRitual (main Leader of Genesis)
saw Retribution as a threat to Genesis as a whole. To counter the so-called threat, xRitual went to NOTO and signed diplomatic relations with them. In specific, NOTO and Genesis signed a DP (Defensive Pact). This pact was made mainly for faction player stations, the pact agreed that NOTO and Genesis would protect each other’s bases while opposing Retribution and agreeing to destroy any Retribution station they encountered. A little after the mutual agreement of the DP, Genesis and NOTO would go and create a mega-alliance named "Sovereign" along with the International Space Company and SJ-C as an ally. This would work for the first little bit until tensions rose within Sovereign and Genesis; it wasn't long after that people realized the bigger image.

Arising Tensions Within The Wall

Everything at the start was practically smooth-sailing, Sovereign even rallied 175+
warships for a mini-event to show that they were worthy. But it wasn't long until problems arose and the pressure from the tension would soon collapse the whole wall. The issue started with Vanguard Coalition (VC), As VC was a mainly combat-based faction who in fact did hunt down NOTO and ISC before Sovereign emerged. As NOTO and ISC were abnormally big for what they were. VC took the chance to hunt them down for their pleasure up until Sovereign was made. xRitual had asked Genesis factions to join Sovereign to make a mega-alliance, understandably Genesis factions agreed to join. It wasn’t a bit after when VC began to see the drop in kills, this
was a problem as VC was a mainly combat-based faction. With little options left they formed.


KIKNO was a squadron formed to go undercover and secretly awox their “allies'' except for Pegasus so they wouldn't get suspicious. VC used alternate accounts and joined an alternate faction, KIKNO, to go undercover and compensate for the lack of kills. Some High Commands and Fleet Commanders started to get suspicious about KIKNO being VC but they didn't have
much evidence of VC being KIKNO. Ultimately KIKNO was a temporary short-term solution, and this would be one of the reasons why Sovereign would collapse. xRitual found himself
questioning who and what KIKNO was and even put a bounty of 2 million credits to whoever
found out who KIKNO was. And if that wasn't enough, just before KIKNO, the Vyktranis
Dominion, VYKDOM has disbanded leaving genesis to only be 2 factions and the rest as

Accusations And The Collapse

As KIKNO became larger and larger everyday it wasn’t wasn't long before it became
obvious that KIKNO was something more than a new faction that suddenly arose. But as always there wasn't enough evidence to confirm or deny anything. As accusations started falling in about KIKNO being secretly VC in order to kill allies and friends. Eventually patience ran out inVC and KIKNO as they were tired of having to switch accounts for kills, and VC High Commands held a vote. The vote was to leave sovereign or to stay, at the end of the poll, it came out to be almost 50/50 but the vote’s tie was broken by a few votes. With a now tie broken poll VC had opted out of Sovereign and revealed KIKNO was indeed VC, This would be the start of the collapse. At the same time this was going on, it was also announced by the leader of ISC, SpaceJPMorgan, that ISC was secretly apart of Retribution. Their plan was to destabilize
Sovereign and once that was done they would join UC and Retribution. Shortly after that
announcement ISC had opted out of Sovereign as well and left to join UC and Retribution. This
wasn't looking good for Sovereign so to avoid the mess and trouble, NOTO opted out of
Sovereign as well, officially marking it as the disbandment of Sovereign. But this wasn't over for Genesis as this was all going down as xRitual was offline, and when he would come online, should all hell break loose.

Events That Unfold After the Boiling Point

When Sovereign had officially disbanded, xRitual was offline on that day, it wasn't until
the next day where xRitual had found out what had happened the next day and came forward
and unfolded events for Genesis. Shortly after he found out what happened, he grew tired of dealing with VC, and said PEGA was leaving Genesis. This would put a mark in Starscape history as the war of the two galactic giant's war had now come to a stop. Some said that Retribution had won and now everything would calm down, but this was far from the truth.

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23 nov 2020 año
Ahora mismo
~ 3 years and 6 months ago