June 15, 2024

19 ene 2024 año - (US) Testing of a mainline freight locomotive on biogas


Testing of a mainline freight locomotive running on purified biogas (RNG) is set to commence in the United States in early 2025, this is reported by the railway transport news portal Railway Supply.OptiFuel Systems, in collaboration with GTI Energy and the U.S. Department of Energy, has announced the development of the Total-Zero RNG prototype, positioned as a less risky and more affordable alternative to diesel locomotives.

The modernized two-section mainline locomotive 2TE10M has been put into operation

Equipped with Cummins gas engines utilizing OptiFuel Quick-Power technology, the locomotive boasts a constant power output of 5,100 horsepower.

A regenerative braking energy recovery system will enhance performance to 5,600 horsepower.

The assembly of locomotives will utilize cost-effective components with quick-connect modules, ensuring a standardized and efficient process.

The estimated cost for one locomotive is $5.5 million, with expectations of capital cost recovery through savings in operational expenses, including fuel and maintenance.

The prototype is slated for testing at the Federal Railroad Administration’s Center for Transportation Technology in a year, followed by two years of on-track trials covering 1.6 million kilometers.

Upon successful trials, project partners aim to commence full-scale production of the new locomotives by 2028.

This move has the potential to significantly reduce nitrogen oxide and particulate matter emissions, offering an efficient and environmentally friendly alternative in the transportation industry.

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19 ene 2024 año
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