June 15, 2024

12 mar 1947 año - Truman doctrine 1947


- CONTAINMENT : to contain communism/stop it from spreading
- the Us would provide political, military and economic assistance to all democratic nations under the threat of internal or external authoritarian forces (aka communism)
- Shifted the US into a + interventionist policy

- By Pres. Harry S. Truman
- did a speech in March 12, 1947: outlined the US commitment to support countries resisting communist agression
- initial focus: provide assistance to Greece and Turkey, who were facing communist insurgencies
- US would provide political/military/economic assistance to all democratic nations under the threat of internal/external authoritarian forces (aka communism)
- shift in the US policy => interventionist

« support the people from armed minorities » 400 m dollars to turkey and greece

+++ CONTEXT (why the need for suche speech?)
Greek conflict- communist militia vs Greek army supported by western powers)

US feared that the soviet union would step in and influence the country
Britain had left greece bc they didn’t have the money (struggled to mantain their own ships afloat)—> handed it over to the us

Trukey was also pressured by the USSR

Us needed it to pass oil from iran so didnt want the ussr to control turkey – sought an anticommunist turkey

Domino effect - domino theory—- if one country falls to communist the rest will follow

(Stalin wasn’t even that interest in greece bruh, Greece had a very strong communist party without any external influence)

Añadido al timeline:

hace 4 meses atrás


12 mar 1947 año
Ahora mismo
~ 77 years ago
