June 15, 2024

1 ene 1917 año - What are Texans doing during the war?


They were getting ready to fight and the ninetieth division included texas sliders and ones from Oklahoma. During the fight, nearly 200,000 Texans served in the armed forces during the war. More than 450 Texas women served as nurses. After the war, Four Texans won the Congressional Medal of Honor, and most Texans held important stops in the war. Many Texans died from the war an after the one who did go home we changed forever and most of them didn't want to forget they experience from the war. When they were going home oversea the had to eat less food so there would be enough. For example, they ate less sugar and lard. After many woman worked as nurses or farmers.

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1 ene 1917 año
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~ 107 years ago