June 15, 2024

1 jun 1846 año - Peel resigns


In June 1846, Peel was defeated in the Commons by his own backbench MPs joining with the Whigs, Irish MPs and free traders over a proposed increase in police powers in
Ireland in the light of the unrest caused by the famine. This defeat showed Peel had lost the support of his own party and he resigned - the critical issue was resentment over the repeal of the Corn Laws, not Ireland. Peel's supporters withdrew from the party and formed the Peelites.

Divisions in the part before 1846:
- Peel's style of leadership was resented - failed to communicate effectively with his party, and his apparent contempt for many of his supporters
- memories of other unpopular changes of policy, especially Catholic Emancipation meant that backbenchers didn't trust their leader
- some Conservatives believed Peel was promoting the interests of manufacturing, trade and finance above those of the land - major shift in the economy towards industry e.g. railway boom
- Peel's economic, financial and social policies had not won the hearts of many Conservative MPs
- Peel was criticised for the limited support he gave to the Church of England, especially in Ireland (he trebled the funding for Maynoooth, and Irish Catholic college)
- Anti-Corn Law League seen as a very disruptive influence - Peel's acknowledgement of Cobden's influence in a speech to the Commons particularly enraged his backbench MPs
- Peel was unlucky to be on the receiving end of Disraeli's wit and destructive humour and the persistent hostility of Lord Derby, a well established Conservative

Añadido al timeline:

2 abr 2018


1 jun 1846 año
Ahora mismo
~ 178 years ago