June 15, 2024

28 abr 1533 año aC - Red Sea Crossing


AJK: chariots are first seen in depictions of combat with Kamose, thus late 17th Dynasty. Further, early chariot wheels were 4-spoked, and later transitioned to 6-spoked. The late 17th and early 18th Dynasties are the only time where both appear together.

Both the 4-spoked and 6-spoked chariot wheel structures composed of coral are visible in the Red Sea (Gulf of Aqaba) from Nuweiba Beach to Saudi Arabia (See Crossing Route), where there is an also underwater shelf that would make crossing easy.

Also, note the Eclipse at that time of the Exodus occurred right over Nuweiba Beach.


Chariot Wheels At Bottom Of Red Sea, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIQ-QAKTqZc

Leonard Mueller heard reports of coral formations shaped like chariot wheels in 1997. He investigated in 2000. These were different from the large dense coral along the coast. Rather, they were scattered with unusual shapes, right angles, circles, etc. These appeared to be derived from original man-made structures. And they were present on both sides. There was also one fragile 4-spoked wheel remnant of gold or electrum.

They also found a gentle sloping flat ridge at this crossing point, covered with sand/silt that would allow easy walking.

The Call to Jordan, 2018November1, Where Was The Red Sea Crossing? https://thecalltojordan.com/2018/11/01/where-was-the-red-sea-crossing/#:~:text=There%20are%202%20huge%20pillars%20on%20each%20side,is%20across%20the%20Sea%20on%20the%20Saudi%20border.

Throughout the Gulf of Aqaba, the depth is about 5,000 feet, except at one location—Nuweiba Beach. Here there is a 10 mile long and a ¼ to ½ mile wide sand bridge which joins the two countries together. This sand bridge is fairly level and has a depth of only 1,000 feet. This would have given the Israelites a gentle slope to walk on and to bring their carts across, but at the same time been plenty deep enough to drown the Egyptian army. Any other area along the Red Sea would not be suitable for crossing given the many cliffs and drop-offs.

There are 2 huge pillars on each side of the Red Sea that King Solomon set up as a memorial to the Red Sea crossing. One is found on the south end of Nuweiba Beach and the other is across the Sea on the Saudi border. When the pillar on the Egyptian side was first discovered in 1978, there were Hebrew words inscribed in it like: Mizram (Egypt), death, Pharaoh, Edom, Moses, Yahweh, and Solomon. Unfortunately, these words have been removed by the Egyptian government since then.

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28 abr 1533 año aC
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~ 3560 years ago