April 1, 2024

1 ene 8500 año aC - First Documented Chinese Culture


The emergence of the Nanzhuangtou culture close to modern day Beijing is the first truly documented culture in China. The Nanzhuangtou culture is a prehistoric culture that existed in the Yellow River Valley region of China during the Neolithic era. It is named after the site of Nanzhuangtou in Shaanxi province, where archaeologists discovered stone tools and artifacts belonging to this culture.

The Nanzhuangtou culture is known for its advanced stone tool technology, including the production of finely crafted blades and scrapers. The people of this culture were also skilled hunters and gatherers, relying on a variety of animals and plants for sustenance.

Some archaeologists believe that the Nanzhuangtou culture represents a transitional period between the Old Stone Age and the New Stone Age in China. This culture was eventually replaced by the Peiligang culture, which emerged in the same region and is known for its more advanced pottery-making techniques. Nonetheless, the Nanzhuangtou culture represents an important early period in Chinese prehistory, providing insights into the lives and technological advancements of early human societies in the region.

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11 abr 2023


1 ene 8500 año aC
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~ 10531 years ago