June 15, 2024

27 abr 1999 año - Deep Thoughts


Cordelia gets splattered with demon blood after running into Buffy as she is killing one of a pair. Soon after, she gains the power to hear people's thoughts. Initially she finds the new ability useful, exploiting it to gain an advantage in class. However, she soon finds that hearing what everyone really thinks isn't as good as it seemed. She overhears that her mother is planning on leaving her father, and that her father is going to be arrested for tax evasion, leaving them penniless. The next day, while seeking out the assistance of Buffy and the Scoobies, she overhears one student thinking about killing themselves before collapsing in the cafeteria. Giles tends to her, at which point she overhears that Giles had sex with Joyce Summers when they thought they were teens. She grows frustrated listening to Xander's thoughts, and wants to leave. Once again she hears someone thinking about killing themselves, but can figure out who it is. Based on the research of Giles, Buffy kills a second of the same demon, taking its heart and with Willow creates a potion to try and cure Cordelia. Despite the pain from the effects, Cordelia finds Jonathan, a boy struggling with confidence issues, in the clock tower, where he was had planned to kill himself. Cordelia talks him down while also coming to a realization about herself. She collapses, and Jonathan goes to get help. Cordelia takes the potion and is cured.

Añadido al timeline:

28 mar 2023


27 abr 1999 año
Ahora mismo
~ 25 years ago