June 15, 2024

27 ene 1998 año - Phases


A werewolf attacks Xander and Cordelia at night, while they are making out. They drive away and tell the others, including Oz. Giles warns that the werewolf will be active for three nights. Buffy investigates the following night and is caught in a trap set by Cain, a werewolf hunter, looking to sell the werewolf's pelt. Later, Buffy tracks the werewolf to The Bronze, but it escapes. The werewolf stumbles upon Angelus, who retreats, leaving his latest victim, Theresa. The following morning, the werewolf, in fact Oz, reverts to his human form. Xander accuses another student, Larry, of being the werewolf, but he reveals instead that he is gay. Theresa, now a vampire, attacks Buffy on Angelus' orders, but Xander kills her. Willow visits Oz's home and learns that he is the werewolf. She tells Buffy and Giles, and they track Oz down, as does Cain, who uses bait to lure Oz. Buffy stops Cain from shooting Oz, and Willow shoots him with a tranquilizer. Buffy threatens Cain out of town. Willow and Oz agree to continue seeing each other despite his nature.

Añadido al timeline:

28 mar 2023


27 ene 1998 año
Ahora mismo
~ 26 years ago