June 15, 2024

5 mayo 1998 año - Passion


Angelus visits Buffy's room at night, leaving a picture of her sleeping. Angelus later visits Willow's house and kills her pet fish. Buffy fears that Angelus will target Joyce next, and seeks advice from Giles on how to stop Angelus from being able to enter their homes. Angelus meets Joyce and reveals that he and Buffy had sex. Buffy and Willow cast the spell to keep Angelus out of Buffy's house before he can break in again. Jenny seeks to restore the curse that had given Angelus back his soul, and translates the ancient ritual. However, Drusilla senses her plan, and warns Angelus, who breaks into the school and destroys Jenny's computer, before killing her. Giles returns home to find a rose left by Angelus. Thinking it was left by Jenny, he goes upstairs to find her dead body. Angelus watches through the window when Buffy and Willow receive the news of Jenny's death. Enraged, Giles attacks Angelus's and Spike's lair, setting it on fire. Angelus overpowers Giles, but Buffy arrives and fights Angelus. Angelus escapes when Buffy is forced to rescue Giles from the fire.

Añadido al timeline:

28 mar 2023


5 mayo 1998 año
Ahora mismo
~ 26 years ago