April 1, 2024



what people did for fun?
the rich played cricket only the rich had time to play it because the poor were too busy working and the wealthy children had playrooms to play in golf tennis and horseback riding were also popular for the rich the poor played soccer and rugby because they were quick games and that all they had time for while the children played with kids in the same block or building the poor also went to the circus and the cinema while the rich mostly went to church religion was really big back then

Working Conditions-Simply, the working conditions were terrible during the Industrial Revolution. As factories were being built, businesses were in need of workers. The wages were set as low as possible because people were willing to work as long as they got paid they would work 14-16 hours a day with no breaks for 6 days a week the majority were unskilled workers, who only received about $8-$10 dollars a week, working at approximately 10 cents an hour. Skilled workers earned a little more Women received one-third or sometimes one-half the pay that men received. Children received even less. Owners, who were only concerned with making a profit, were satisfied because labor costed less.

Living Conditions-
As business began to boom and the national markets grew, more people began to move to the Northeast because they wanted jobs. Most people lived in the "slum" there was about 9 people to one room not much space at all basically bed to bed more people got sick as well. Because everyone lived in terrible conditions and so close to one another, diseases spread rapidly and lack of medicine and medical care resulted in many deaths At the time, population was increasing rapidly because of more people moving in, so apartments became more crowded and in worse condition. These were the people that lived every lives that had to fight for jobs and competed to live. this lasted for around 100 years

Añadido al timeline:

13 mar 2018


1 ene 1760 año
Ahora mismo
~ 264 years ago

