June 15, 2024

4 sept 1997 año - Processing


After a quiet summer, Xander and Willow are attacked by a vampire, but saved by Buffy, who has returned from Los Angeles. Buffy has a dream where the Master, whom she had killed earlier, attacks her again. Angel appears in Buffy's room and warns her that The Anointed One is gathering vampires to him. At The Bronze, Buffy flirts with Xander in front of Angel and Willow. Cordelia confronts Buffy about her behavior, but Buffy rejects the advice and leaves. Soon after Buffy's back is turned, Cordelia is attacked and kidnapped. Giles suggests that The Anointed One will attempt to revive the Master. Someone delivers a message to the library, summoning Buffy to The Bronze. On the way, she runs into Angel, and challenges him to a fight, but they go to the Bronze together. Once there, they find only a single vampire. At the library, several vampires capture Giles and Willow, taking them, along with Cordelia and Jenny Calendar, to ritual site. The ritual begins, and the Master's body begins to reform, producing The Master's skeleton. Buffy finds them and attacks the vampires, overpowering them and smashing the skeleton, while Angel and Xander rescue the prisoners.

Añadido al timeline:

28 mar 2023


4 sept 1997 año
Ahora mismo
~ 26 years ago