June 15, 2024

5 mayo 1997 año - Puppet Show


Shortly after a rehearsal for a talent show, a girl is killed and her heart removed. Giles, Buffy, Willow, and Xander investigate, and are led to Morgan, a ventriloquist with a dummy called Sid. After an incident at her house, Buffy suspects that Sid is self-aware. In a history class, the teacher confiscates Sid, and Xander steals the dummy. When Sid remains inanimate, Xander mocks Buffy's suspicions. Buffy leaves to find Morgan, and when Xander turns his back, Sid disappears. Buffy finds Morgan backstage, dead and missing his brain. A chandelier falls on Buffy and traps her. Sid stabs at her, but Buffy escapes and subdues him. Sid reveals that he also hunts demons, and thought that Buffy was one. Sid explains that he was cursed to become a dummy, and needs to kill the real demon to lift the curse, although to do so would mean his death. Buffy finds Morgan's brain, and after discovering that he was suffering from brain cancer, realizes that the demon still needs a viable brain. The demon ties Giles to a guillotine. Buffy, Xander, and Willow free Giles, and Sid cuts out the demon's heart, ending his curse and dying.

Añadido al timeline:

28 mar 2023


5 mayo 1997 año
Ahora mismo
~ 27 years ago