June 15, 2024

24 mar 1997 año - Teacher's Pet


Shortly after a conversation with Buffy, Sunnydale's science teacher Dr Gregory is attacked and goes missing. At a party, Angel appears and warns Buffy that somebody is coming. A substitute teacher, Miss French, arrives, and Xander and other boys at Sunnydale, including Blayne, are immediately smitten. Arriving at the class, Buffy notices that Dr. Gregory's glasses have been left abandoned. Later, Cordelia stumbles upon Dr. Gregory's headless corpse. Buffy investigates the death of a homeless man, suspecting it may be connected, and confronts a vampire she finds in the park. The vampire flees, encounters Miss French and is frightened by her, while Buffy watches. Buffy deduces that Miss French is a giant praying mantis. Buffy tries to warn Xander, but Miss French has released pheromones that seduce Xander. He goes to Miss French's house, where she drugs and imprisons him alongside Blayne, intending to use them to fertilize her eggs. Buffy and Giles track down the house, with the help of the vampire she met in the park earlier, and are able to kill Miss French in time to save Xander and Blayne.

Añadido al timeline:

28 mar 2023


24 mar 1997 año
Ahora mismo
~ 27 years ago