April 1, 2024

1 ene 476 año aC - Middle Ages


Games and Entertainment in the Middle Ages

different types of Games and entertainment fell into a number of different categories including Card Games, Board Games, Dice Games, Sporting Games and Children's games. some of these were Chess Tables - Backgammon Nine Men's Morris Alquerques - A classic period strategy game, an ancestor of Checkers Fox & Geese - a game of strategy Gameball - a simple football game Hammer-throwing Hurling or Shinty - a similar game to hockey Horseshoes - throwing horseshoes at a target Quarter-staff contests Skittles - an ancestor of modern ten-pin bowling Stoolball - an ancestor of Cricket Wrestling
jousting-engage in a sporting contest in which two opponents on horseback fight with lances.

what was life like in the middle ages

ife in a manor and the Lord of the Manor during the Middle Ages. The life of women during the Middle Ages - peasants, lords, princess and Kings. The jobs and occupations dictated the quality of life during the Middle Ages and the medicine, entertainment and guilds of the Middle ages.Daily life in the Middle ages was dictated by wealth, power and status and the feudal system. The Feudal System was sustained by the rights and privileges given to the Upper Classes and in most cases enacted by laws. Everything was a source of privilege for the nobles. The high ranking nobles lived in castles with their knights, ladies and retinues. Others enjoyed their daily life on their manors.

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1 ene 476 año aC
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