June 15, 2024

10 ene 1861 año - Mississippi, Florida, and Alabama secede.


Within the span of January 9-11, Mississippi, Florida, and Alabama all seceded from the Union.

Mississippi seceded on January 9th, 1861. The ultimate reason for their secession is that they defended the institution of slavery, and the Union did not.

Florida seceded on January 10th, 1861. President John C. McGehee at the Florida Secession Convention, in support for the secession, said, "At the South, and with our People of course, slavery is the element of all value, and a destruction of that destroys all that is property."

Alabama seceded on January 11th, 1861, ending off the three-day-long line of secession from Mississippi, Florida, and itself. With a 61-39 vote in the Ordinance of Secession, they left the United States. People in Alabama's capital, Montgomery, celebrated this news with cannonfire, bells ringing, speeches, music, and bonfires.

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10 ene 1861 año
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~ 163 years ago