June 15, 2024

1 abr 517 año aC - Re-initiation of Jubilee Coinciding with End of 70 Yr Desolation 4th Yr of Darius I


Herod the Great and Jesus Chronological, Historical and Archaeological Evidence by Gerard Gertoux

...beginning of a new 50- year Jubilee cycle, from the 4th year of Darius (Zc 7:1-5) in 518 BCE.

Ezra's text (Ezr 7:24) tells about a tax exemption in Artaxerxes' 7th year (Ezr 7:1-8), the year captives were released (Ezr 8:35). On this ground, Jewish authorities agree that Jubilees must be counted again from that date. Maimonides wrote in a treaty on this question: With Ezra remissions (shemitah) started being counted and after 7 of them the 50th year was sanctified. Even if the Jubilee was not observed [in the economical field, not in the liturgical one], those years were nevertheless counted for the remission to be sanctified.

Since the Jubilee cycle was in relation to the worship organized from the temple, it seems logical to have this calendar begin with the dedication of the temple. Zechariah's text specifies that God approved the temple in Darius I's 4th year (Zc 7:1,5,14, 8:9-19), that is in 518/517.

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1 abr 517 año aC
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~ 2543 years ago