June 15, 2024

23 mar 2650 año aC - 3rd Dynasty 2650-2575


The famous Step-Pyramid (one of the first pyramids) was built during this time by Horus Netjerikhet who also was the first king of the 3rd Dynasty. More is known about him than the previous kings. His wives were Hetephernebti, and Inetkawes. He ruled for about 38 years.
The kings that followed his reign were:
Horus Sekhemhet, from 2631-2623. His wife was Djeseretnebti and it is unkown if he had any children.
Horus Khaba from 2623-2619. His family is unknown.
Horus Sanakht from 2619-2599. His family is also unkown (sorry I thought there was more info ah)

Huni, from 2599-2575. His wife was Meresankh and hisson was (probably) Snofru. He founded the 4th Dynasty.

Añadido al timeline:

13 feb 2018


23 mar 2650 año aC
Ahora mismo
~ 4677 years ago