June 15, 2024

11 feb 2007 año - February 2007: Trafigura hires BP


According to their website, Bell Pottinger’s brief was to “manage intense media attention surrounding Trafigura following accusations of offloading toxic waste and prioritising profits over health and safety” by setting up a “24/7 news management team” to respond to media queries and major developments “as the story progressed”.

“The team quickly and effectively worked alongside Trafigura to ensure the seamless transfer of information”.

The result was “stronger working relationships” between Trafigura and “key journalists”, “whilst cutting through inaccuracies and clearly articulating the facts on the ground”.

What this translated to was teaming up with law firm Carter-Ruck to threaten media houses with libel cases when they reported critically on the case (see below).

They were also hired to help deal with communications around the class action suit later brought by Leigh Day.

Consultants Neil Cameron and David Telling headed the account, said Durrants.

According to PR Week, Bell Pottinger associate director Neil Cameron said, “Our line has always been that Trafigura will deal with the real substance of the case when the UK action begins in October (2009)… We do not want to deal with a trial by media.”

The Guardian reports that Trafigura also devised “a PR blitz”, which included sponsoring the British Lions’ tour to South Africa and also launched the Trafigura Foundation. How much Bell Pottinger had to do with this is unclear.

This QnA on this incident on Trafigura’s website is an excellent resource for dozens of documents related to the case, and also gives insight into the language Bell Pottinger would have helped employ, speaking of “toxic” waste and “victims” — in inverted commas.

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13 feb 2018


11 feb 2007 año
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