June 15, 2024

11 mayo 1905 año - The Creation of the Soviet Councils


Soviets were first created during the Revolution of 1905 on May 11, 1905 as a workers’ council to organize strikes and represent the workers. This first soviet, known as the Ivanovo Soviet, would become one of many soviets that would sprout up over Russia. These soviets eventually turned into elected assemblies of workers of the town. In December of 1905, these soviets were destroyed and suppressed completely by the government. Eventually, in 1917, soviet councils began to come back to play a vital role in the revolutions of 1917. The of the most important soviets was the St. Petersburg Soviet of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies. This council consisted of thousands of workers and military personnel and would be the other government against the provisional government. This soviet was formed on October 26, 1905, just a few months after Ivanovo soviet. These soviets were very important in making political change and representing the people’s needs. These soviets played a huge role also in the revolutions of 1917, for they represented many people and had lots of power as well. During the October revolution of 1917, these soviets were the opposition to the provisional government and would eventually help take control of the government. The Petrograd Soviet was the largest opposition to the provisional government and would become very important.

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11 mayo 1905 año
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~ 119 years ago