July 1, 2024

1 ene 1905 año - Czar Nicholas II


Czar Nicholas II became the czar after his father's death on November 1, 1894. However, he had very little experience with running a government. Nicholas was not a very good leader, and did not like taking advice from his ministers, even though he was not capable of ruling a country on his own. Nicholas wanted Russian expansion into Manchuria, which started a war with Japan in 1904. The loss of the war led to many riots and strikes, which led to Bloody Sunday, in January 1905, where many people were shot by Nicholas’ troops. When Russia joined World War 1 in 1914, the monarchy gained some strength, but it was only temporary strength. In mid 1915, Nicholas decided to become the leader of the army, which led the country to blame him for all of the misfortunes of the army. On October 25, 1917, the Bolsheviks, a group of workers who helped rule the country, killed Nicholas II. The Bolsheviks attacked the Winter Palace, where they killed Nicholas II and the rest of his family.

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1 ene 1905 año
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~ 119 years ago
