June 15, 2024

30 agos 490 año aC - Battle of Marathon


Athens and Plataea, despite being massively outnumbered by the Persian forces win an astonishing victory as the Persian are disembarking in preparation for their invasion of the Greek mainland. This stunning victory - in which the Athenians claim to have last less than two hundred men while the Persians lost six and a half thousand - leads to Darius abandoning his designs upon Greece and a ten year interval before the Persians return. The Parthenon is constructed in celebration of this victory.

A positive consideration of the battle and what some may speculate to be one of the sources of Athenian success, is the fact that the Greeks were marching into battle as free fellow citizens of a republic, whilst the Persian forces were led there as slaves. Of course the other major consideration is the additional fact that while the Greek Hoplites were armed with bronze armour and weaponry, the Persians relied on long-range weapons such as slings and wielded wicker shields. The latter expected to have cut down or demoralise the Greek before they ever met their lines (what usually happened when a force opposed the Persian army), as the Greeks closed the distance the Persian despaired and were unable to resist the onslaught, fleeing into a local marsh in which they were cut down by pursing Hoplites.

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30 agos 490 año aC
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~ 2516 years ago

