April 1, 2024

7 ene 1936 año - Xi'an Incident


Xi’an Incident, also called Sian Incident, (Dec. 12–25, 1936), in Chinese history, seizure of the Nationalist generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek (Jiang Jieshi) by two of his own generals, Zhang Xueliang (Chang Hsüeh-liang) and Yang Hucheng (Yang Hu-ch’eng). Zhang, commander of the forces in Northeast China (Manchuria), and Yang, commander of the forces stationed around Xi’an (conventional Sian; Wade-Giles romanization Hsi-an), in northwestern China, opposed Chiang’s policy of continuing to fight the Chinese communists rather than devoting the Nationalists’ full effort to fighting the Japanese, who had invaded northern China. The incident ended with Chiang’s release and the formation of the second communist-Nationalist United Front against the Japanese. The Xi’an Incident relieved Nationalist military pressure on the communists, who were able to rebuild their forces during the ensuing alliance with the Nationalists.

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22 ene 2018


7 ene 1936 año
Ahora mismo
~ 88 years ago