July 1, 2024

20 mar 1942 año - Cripps Mission


- Indian union with dominion status, with rights to withdraw from the Commonwealth
- after the war - the constituent assembly will be formed to draft the constitution
####A constituent assembly would be convened to frame a new constitution. Members of this assembly would be partly elected by provincial assembly through PR and partly nominated by Princely states###

- freedom to any province unwilling to join the union of India to remain with Britain
- The defense of India be in the hands of the British
- Governor General powers remain intact

- Congress objection:
# Dominion status - want complete independence
# Right of province to secede ---> Blue Print for Indian Partition
# power of GG remains intact
# No immediate transfer of power

*****Gandhi Termed it as post-dated Check******

- Muslim League objection:
# Pakistan explicitly offered

- Only Radical Democratic Party of M.N Roy supported the idea

Finally, cripps mission wasn't able to excite Indians

Añadido al timeline:


20 mar 1942 año
Ahora mismo
~ 82 years ago