June 15, 2024

1 ene 1345 año aC - Perseus Rescues Andromeda


On the way back to Seriphos, as Perseus was flying in his return above the sands of Libya, the falling drops of Medusa's blood created a race of toxic serpents.

Perseus stopped in the kingdom of Aethiopia, ruled by King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia. Cassiopeia, having boasted that her daughter Andromeda was equal in beauty to the Nereids, drew the vengeance of Poseidon, who sent an inundation on the land and a sea serpent, Cetus, which destroyed man and beast. The oracle of Ammon announced that no relief would be found until the king exposed his daughter Andromeda to the monster, and so she was fastened naked to a rock on the shore. Perseus slew the monster and, setting her free, claimed her in marriage.

Perseus married Andromeda in spite of Phineus, to whom she had before been promised. At the wedding a quarrel took place between the rivals, and Phineus was turned to stone by the sight of Medusa's head that Perseus had kept.

On returning to Seriphos and discovering that his mother had to take refuge from the violent advances of Polydectes, Perseus killed him with Medusa's head, and made Dictys, consort of Danaë, king.

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1 ene 1345 año aC
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~ 3371 years ago