June 15, 2024

23 mar 1921 año - Investigators Reach Puno


Larkin says he has to go get supplies and pack animals for their journey. Jackson Elias tells the gang that he needs to meet up with a local contact to see where Nayra moved to. Maggie and Leo offer to keep him distracted. They do so reasonably successfully, but after an awkward business with Leo trying to film them instead of take photos, de Mendoza gives them the slip.

Team B (Jackson, Sven, Clarence, Petunia, and James) meet up with Fernando, who tells Jackson where to find Nayra. As they are leaving the whole party sees de Mendoza following them wearing a broad black hat, people around him reacting with obvious discomfort and parting. He seems to be following them, keeping and eye on them.
There’s a tense showdown. Sven doubles back to try and distract de Mendoza, but too late realizes the ominous beggar who looks like Pedro de Valasco is between him and the rest of the party. Everyone is tense. Sven ducks down an alley, running to get the drop on the beggar who is clearly trailing Jackson, Clarence, and Petunia. But as Sven prepares to ambush him de Mendoza mocks him from behind the alley, having moved strangely quickly to get there. He says something along the lines of, “Ah Sven, strange to come across you in the city. But I suppose it is a small city. If you get a chance I recommend the ceviche, it’s quite good.” He nods, and then steps away into the alleys. The ominous beggar ambles about, then after making eye contact with an alleyway he turns around and heads away from the party.

Añadido al timeline:

13 sep 2021


23 mar 1921 año
Ahora mismo
~ 103 years ago