June 15, 2024

1 ene 1259 año aC - Pudahepa Letter to Ramses II of Grain Shortage


Wikipedia: Pudahepa was a Hittite queen, her companion being the King Hattusili III.

WIREs Clim Change 2015. doi: 10.1002/wcc.345
Drought and societal collapse
3200 years ago in the Eastern
Mediterranean: a review
David Kaniewski,1,2,3∗ Joël Guiot4 and Elise Van Campo1,2

The first mention of grain shortages appears during the reign of Ramses II (first regnal year: 1292–1281 cal year BCE40), in the letter KUB 21.38 sent by the Hittite queen Puduhepa who stated ‘I have no grain in my lands’. Following the 1259 BCE treaty between Ramses II and the King Hattusili III, grain was imported from Egypt into Anatolia on a regular basis.3 The Hittite Kingdom was no longer self-sustainable in food production and had to rely on imports.

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1 ene 1259 año aC
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~ 3285 years ago