June 15, 2024

13 jun 1434 año - The CKL is founded


The Central Kingdom Loyalists known as the CKL was formed. The rebellion was created to try and destroy the Corazonian Empire from within. The Loyalists had many spies in high Government positions, Generals, Admirals, and the Head of Security for the "Supreme Emperor" were all Loyalists. It was founded by Barnard Adams. He brought together many of his close friends and family to start the resistance group. Him and his close friends joined the Corazonian Army because there were rumors of war. His fellows and him planned to try and get as high ranking as they possibly could before the war. By the end of 1434 the CKL had grown to 1,000 members.

Añadido al timeline:

1 dic 2021


13 jun 1434 año
Ahora mismo
~ 590 years ago