June 15, 2024

30 jun 2013 año - Advances in the Last 10 Years: -targeted cancer therapies -laparoscopic surgery -HPV vaccine -face transplants -bionic limbs


Targeted cancer therapies are more direct than cancer treatments like chemotherapy, which kill healthy cells along with the cancer cells. Laparoscopic surgery, also known as minimally invasive surgery, is beneficial because it leaves smaller scars, requires a shorter recovery time, and it causes less pain to patients. The HPV vaccine helps protect against the 4 strains of HPV, which can cause cervical cancer and genital warts. Face implants help people who have been in accidents or who were born with deformities. Surgeons can repair many things: noses, lips, teeth, and cheekbones. Bionic limbs use computer chips, Bluetooth devices, and 3-D computer models to helps design limbs and make them as real as possible (cnn).

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30 jun 2013 año
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