June 15, 2024

30 dic 2020 año - Brexit deal officially passes House of Commons in historic ultra-quick vote


Boris Johnson's Brexit deal has officially passed a historic Commons vote by MPs.

MPs backed the EU-UK deal by 521-73 in an emergency sitting - just 33 hours before it kicks in tomorrow night.

Its final stages were confirmed by the same margin minutes later, after Boris Johnson blocked MPs from making any amendments.

The move guarantees £668bn a year of UK-EU trade won't have tariffs slapped on tomorrow night. But there are many holes in the deal - and it came just as the EU agreed an investment deal with China.

Boris Johnson was due to sign the deal itself in No10 at 3pm after it was signed by EU chiefs this morning, and airlifted to Britain on one of the Queen's planes. (The Mirror)

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30 dic 2020 año
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~ 3 years and 5 months ago