July 1, 2024

21 mar 1915 año - Netherlands Revolutionary Socialist League


"In 1915, Roland Holst became head of the small and short-lived but vocal Netherlands Revolutionary Socialist League, a group attempting to fuse the ideals of socialism and pacifism. That same year she traveled to Switzerland to attend the Zimmerwald conference, where participants first heard the impassioned call of Vladimir Lenin to "turn the imperialist war into a proletarian world revolution."

Inspired by the Russian revolutionary, and energized by such an ambitious agenda, Roland Holst worked to engage the Dutch working class in creating the foundations for a truly radical movement. She edited and wrote for Die Vorbote, the review published by the Zimmerwald left group of internationalist Socialists, which included the radical communists Karl Radek and Anton Pannekoek. In her articles for the journal, she stated her belief that the international working-class movement would soon recover from its temporary infatuation with nationalism exhibited by the war." (https://www.encyclopedia.com/women/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/roland-holst-henriette-1869-1952)

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21 mar 1915 año
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~ 109 years ago