July 1, 2024

2 ene 1900 año - International Socialist Congress in Paris


"In 1900 Henriette attended the International Socialist Congress in Paris. This was the fifth congress of the Second International (successor to the First International in which Marx played a prominent role). Here she met leading international social democrats such as Karl Kautsky, Clara Zetkin, Rosa Luxemburg and Jean Jaurès. She spent many days attending meetings with international figures, and enjoyed the atmosphere of passionate intellectual debate.

In addition to poetry and political propaganda, Henriette published influential theoretical works during this period, including the much-praised Capital and Labour in the Netherlands (Kapitaal en Arbeid in Nederland, 1902). At Kautsky's request she wrote - in German - General Strike and Social Democracy (Generalstreik und Sozialdemokratie, 1905), a book that was translated into many languages. So too were the articles she wrote for the influential German journal Die Neue Zeit. Influenced by her international circle of Marxist friends, she took a stand against reformism and revisionism in social democracy." (https://www.dbnl.org/tekst/_low001200101_01/_low001200101_01_0016.php)

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2 ene 1900 año
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~ 124 years ago
