June 15, 2024

1 ene 2008 año - The Cloud Mystery


The Cloud Mystery is a documentary by Danish director Lars Oxfeldt Mortensen. It explores the published theory[1] by Danish scientist Henrik Svensmark on how galactic cosmic rays and solar activity affects cloud cover, and how this influences the earth's climate. Also known as Klimamysteriet in Danish.

This documentary presents the work done to develop the theory that cloud cover change is caused by variations in cosmic rays as the major originator of global climate variation. It also mentions that these scientist do not subscribe to the view that human influence and the effect of greenhouse gases as significant drivers of climate. However, the focus is on the work they have done and not on the majority (IPCC) view about anthropogenic global warming.

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1 ene 2008 año
Ahora mismo
~ 16 years ago