July 1, 2024

11 dic 1688 año - The Glorious Revolution Succeeds


The Glorious Revolution took place from 1688 to 1689 in England, it's often called “The Revolution of 1688” and “The Bloodless Revolution”. The Glorious Revolution was called glorious because all of the objectives and goals of the revolutionaries were achieved without any bloodshed. The revolution's purpose was to overthrow the catholic king James II. They wanted to replace him with his protestant daughter Mary. There were many political and religious reasons for the revolutions. The people of england didn't agree with King James' idea of re-establishing the catholic church. The commoners led the revolution and got the king to abdicate. One major outcome of the revolution was the establishment of Parliament as the ruling power of England.The Glorious Revolution had a major impact on how the UK would govern their people. This is the first time where the commoners would rise up against the monarchy to try and get more freedoms. Because of the revolution the United Kingdom shifted from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy. With the now established Parliament the people can now have a voice that will counter the monarchy. This event is major in the progression of giving the common men in the UK political rights and civil liberties and freedoms.

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11 dic 1688 año
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~ 335 years ago