June 15, 2024

12 sept 2020 año - Riots in Paris


Protestors petrol bomb cars and barricade streets as police lose control.

VIOLENT clashes erupted on Saturday between armed police and yellow vest protesters on the streets of Paris during the first "Gilet Jaunes" demonstration since the start of the coronavirus pandemic in France.

Several hundred demonstrators had gathered at two squares in the Paris, but officials say one group left the designated route.

Disturbing pictures show a black BMW car on fire, streets barricaded and a green wheelie bin ablaze, near the Champs-Elysees.

Officers say they also confiscated weapons including hammers, screwdrivers, and empty bottles of whiskey.

Police, who continued to fire tear gas into the mid-afternoon to break up small groups of protesters, said they had arrested 256 people by 6pm (4pm GMT). (Express)

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12 sept 2020 año
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~ 3 years and 8 months ago