June 15, 2024

9 mayo 2014 año - The rio hand holding and the bread van...


Okay so basically here is what happened in Rio...

1. The boys were staying in a hotel that was swarmed by fans, but they wanted to see the Statue of Jesus in Rio. Since they couldn't really leave their hotel without causing an absolute scene, they snuck out in a bread van.

2. Ben Winston documented the boys trip in the bread van and it was released to the public in January of 2015. In the background of the linked video (if it gets deleted just look up One Direction Bread Van and you'll find a video like this one), around 1:01, you only see Zayn on camera. In the background (I recommend using headphones to hear), you can hear Harry saying "Give me a kiss" and then kissing noises ensue. Then you see Niall lean over and whisper "shhh" and then you hear Louis say "Sorry lads" and Harry laughing.

3. When this first came out, people didn't deny the sound of the kiss. They said that there was no proof that Harry and Louis were sitting together and it could've been any of them as a joke. On July 23rd 2020, Ben Winston posted a picture of the boys in the bread van that featured H&L in fact sitting right next to one another: https://www.instagram.com/p/CC_qdT5nXFt/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

4. At the statue, we got pictures that look very suspiciously like L is holding H's hand, and that they were being very coupley:



Añadido al timeline:

31 oct 2020


9 mayo 2014 año
Ahora mismo
~ 10 years ago
