June 15, 2024

1 ene 1644 año - The Qing dynasty is formed, the name jiāngshī dates back this far. (Typhoon - Mentioned)


- Pre-Outbreak
- The Qing Dynasty was the final imperial dynasty in China, lasting from 1644 to 1912. It was an era noted for its initial prosperity and tumultuous final years, and for being only the second time that China was not ruled by the Han people.
- The phrase jiāngshī dates back as far as the Qing dynasty. They are legends shrouded in folk-lore, described as corpses reanimated by magic or spirits. These creatures fed on qi or the life force of a person.
- The name jiāngshī would come to be used for the walking dead (see day 0), although the real dead are something else entirely and their reality is much worse then their namesake.

Añadido al timeline:


1 ene 1644 año
Ahora mismo
~ 380 years ago