June 15, 2024

1 jul 2005 año - Michonne abandons the communities because of her grief of being happy. (Issue 139 - Mentioned) (Issue 140 - Mentioned)


- Day 713 (Approximately)
- Michonne and Ezekiel live happily in love at the Hilltop. They talk about having kids and building a life together.
- This makes Michonne incredibly guilty for being happy. Knowing she abandoned her children for her job and that they must be dead prevents her from allowing herself to get a do-over and a happy new life to bury her old one.
- She leaves all of her belongings including sword with Ezekiel and abandons the communities and everybody she knows.
- Everybody who knows her panics and the communities spend ages searching for her with a risk of people dying.

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1 jul 2005 año
Ahora mismo
~ 18 years ago