June 15, 2024

1 ene 1830 año - Methodist Mission


1830 Reverend Thomas Johnson built a Methodist Mission for the Shawnee. The two story log mission was located in what is now the 5100 block of Edgehill Drive in Turner. A church was established and a school for the Indian youths. Literature, trades and crafts, and the art of mechanism were taught. The Turner mission was in operation until 1839, when a new enlarged Shawnee Methodist Mission and Manual Labor School was built on Shawnee lands to the south in Johnson County. Shawnee Indian names appear on most old Argentine and Shawnee Township abstracts. The tribe ceded their reservation to the government in 1854. In return they received 200,000 acres of land that was divided among themselves. Each tribal member received 200 acres. By 1870, however, almost all of the Indians had sold their parcels of land and migrated to the Oklahoma Reservation. Other area Indian tribes such as the Munsee, Delaware, and Wyandotte Indians also sold their lands. Wyandotte County was now ready for permanent White settlement. Source:

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1 ene 1830 año
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~ 194 years ago