April 1, 2024

13 abr 1598 año - Henry IV, Edict of Nantes


Signed in 1589 by Henry IV, it granted the Calvinist Protestants in France (Huguenots) rights. It helped support religious freedom. Since the nation was still considered mostly Catholic at the time, this was a huge step for Europe. In this edict, Henry IV promoted civil unity as well. It opened a door for secularism and tolerance, as well as offering freedom of conscious and a reinstatement of the rights of the people. The Edict of Nantes is remembered today because of the religious toleration that it granted, which was one of the first to do so in the time period. Although Cardinal Richelieu, and many others, were opposed to the edict, it stayed in effect until it was revoked in 1685 and replaced by the Edict of Fontainebleau.

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13 abr 1598 año
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~ 426 years ago