June 15, 2024

1 jun 1509 año - Erasmus, The Praise of Folly


Essay written by Desiderius Erasmus in 1509 and first printed in June 1511.
Erasmus was seen as one of the most known members of the humanist movement of the 16th century. He highly criticized the Roman Catholic Church and wrote this while visiting Thomas More, an English humanist. The Praise of Folly was one of the principal documents that lead the Protestant Revolution by its critiques of popular Catholic practices, theologies, monks, etc. This book opens with Erasmus explaining the purpose of the Praise of Folly to Thomas More and how the book was dedicated to him. The main part of the book is only spoken by Folly, who personifies foolishness. This fictional book contains a confession of Folly that she deserves the praise of all men and that any great action requires her power. She focuses on Catholic theologians and ends with the claim that Christianity has important similarities to her.

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1 jun 1509 año
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