June 15, 2024

12 abr 1986 año - 1986 KURUMA Kaisha Worker 2100


Following a very successful launch of the Sutaffu 850 back in 1983, Hinata would be a fool to not pursue further advancement into the automobile market. And Hinata is no fool. 3 years later, Kuruma launched a new car: The Worker 2100.

The Worker kept to the Kuruma spirit of being affordable, and was also a utility vehicle. Mechanically it's a simple car, all steel ladder chassis and panels, with solid axle coil suspension all around. It's cargo volume is considerably larger then the Sutaffu's and it comes standard with a towing hook.

Engine is quite a bit more robust then the tiny inline 3 in Sutaffu. It's a cast iron 2.1L turbo inline 4, making around 125 horsepower, coupled with a 4 speed manual gearbox. This engine would later be used to power Kuruma's first "normal" car.

The Worker, just as the Sutaffu, was an instant success and sold in masses to various companies. Back in 1986 it only set you back $5.650 so it was a bargain. Another successful car launch by Kuruma, and the money kept rolling in. With it's lineup of the Sutaffu, still selling well, and the Worker, Kuruma owned the small utility vehicle market in Asia.

The Worker was produced and sold into the early 90's, and Kuruma's roadmap estimated it to be sold for at least a few years more. But in the year 1990, player two entered the game. It was another Japanese company by the name of Inurai. Their challenger? The Utiligo Cargo.

The Utiligo had greater cargo capacity, a more powerful V6 engine and a automatic gearbox. It was a fair bit more expensive, but the market embraced newer tech and more performance.

Following the launch of the Utiligo, the Worker's sales numbers started dropping significantly, practically going into free fall. It was no rival to it's newer, more advanced rival, despite still doing okay with the smallest companies that could not afford the Utiligo. However, in early 1991, Kuruma admitted defeat and discontinued the Worker.

Price at launch in 1986:

*Inurai is a manufacturer by a fellow Automation player

Añadido al timeline:


12 abr 1986 año
Ahora mismo
~ 38 years ago
