June 15, 2024

23 jun 1982 año - Vincent Chin Incident


On June 23, 1982, a Chinese man named Vincent Chin was beaten and murdered by two White men. This incident had happened in a bar, and the reason behind their (The two White men) acts was because of the hatred towards Asian Americans at that time.

This event was significant because it showed the brutality of the Americans towards the Asian Americas. Vincent Chin had done nothing but was killed for the fact that he was an Asian American. Because of the death of Vincent Chin, many Asian-Americans stood up to protest against the discrimination they were facing for the first time.

Quote: "Remember Vincent Chin" turned into a rallying cry; for the first time, Asian -A,erocams of ever backround angrily protested in cities across the country"

(Wu Why-Vincent-Chin-Matters)

Añadido al timeline:


23 jun 1982 año
Ahora mismo
~ 42 years ago