June 15, 2024

12 jul 1936 año - Jose Castillo


Lieutenant Jose Castillo served as the perfect excuse for the leader of the plot, General Emilio Mola. On the evening of 17 July 1936, the military garrisons rose in Morocco, and the revolt quickly spread to the mainland. The rising began with army garrisons disarming loyal Republican Officers, then declaring the region for the Rebels. The rising was usually supported by Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera's Falange and the Civil Guard, who often acted on their own if the local town had no military garrison.In Morocco, Mallorca, Old Castile, Navarre, Aragon and South Andalusia the rising was generally successful. However, in other areas, including the major cities of Madrid and Barcelona, the generals met with bitter and effective resistance from loyal members of the Civil Guard and Assault Guards, and from workers' militiamen who seized arms despite initial government opposition.

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12 jul 1936 año
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~ 87 years ago