June 15, 2024

22 h 17 jun 2004 año - Lilly and the town elders discuss their options for the herd. (Descent)


- Day 334
- Lilly has gathered a group of the town's elders to assess the situation (most of them literal elders). She has also invited Calvin Dupree in hopes the news will make him stay.
- David Stern asks Lilly about the possibility of the herd just fizzling out. She hopes it does but right now it's unpredictable and they have to account for the possibility of it hitting the town. He suggests they send out scouts to keep tabs of the herd. Speed and Matthew are already going out early tomorrow to do just that. Hap Abernathy leans against a walking stick, looking like he's about to fall asleep at any minute.
- Ben Buchholz pipes up and asks how much weaponry they have. Lilly states that they lost every fifty-caliber machine gun and most of the ammo during the assault on the prison (see day 330 and 331), they fucked up. Everyone moans. Lilly states that they do, however have numerous explosive and incendiary devices which didn't burn when the town was attacked (see day 332). Ben doesn't think that'll cut it.
- Bob Stookey suggests they use all their personal guns and pool their ammo into one big stash for everyone to use. Gloria Pyne thinks they should redirect the herd somehow which is the most plausible idea yet. Lilly suggests they dangle something to catch the herd's attention somehow. Ben believes she's thinking of using someone as bait and is disgusted. Bob has a go at him.
- Lilly calms the two down and notices Calvin standing in the corner. He asks to speak to Lilly in private after. Nobody likes Gloria's idea but it's the best one they've got.

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22 h 17 jun 2004 año
Ahora mismo
~ 19 years ago
