June 15, 2024

9 h 17 jun 2004 año - Lilly gives the Dupree family a tour. (Descent)


- Day 334
- Lilly Caul gives the five members of the Dupree family a tour of Woodbury. She explains they they're planning on expanding the safe-zone towards the north and south and as they approach the racetrack she explains how they're thinking of transforming it into a public garden. Meanwhile a biter which was lost after the attack the other day (see day 332) crawls up through the busted grate in which it fell, after seeing the group approach.
- Lilly addresses rumours they might hear at some point later and asks Bob who stands behind her if he wants to tells them about the Governor. He declines and she goes on to explain how Philip Blake was a deranged sociopath who dictated the town for the better part of a year. Though he was seen as a necessary evil, they've now reclaimed the town as a safe place to live (see day 332), however many residents may still be jumpy and on edge. Lilly invites the family to live here permanently.
- Calvin goes to politely decline hospitality but just then the hidden biter grabs at the dress of nine year old Bethany and everyone springs into action. Lilly kills the biter with four shots to the head and tells Bethany and internally herself not to look. Lilly is a few bottles of cheap bourbon and a couple of sleepless nights from total annihilation of spirit which is why she needs Woodbury to work.
- Everyone is alright. Calvin complements Lilly's handiness with a gun and Lilly notices a large silver cross around his neck. She asks the family if they're interested in staying. Calvin wants to think about it and pray on it but Meredith butts in and states that they appreciate the hospitality but will be gone this afternoon. Lilly assures them that the offer still stands if they change their minds.

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9 h 17 jun 2004 año
Ahora mismo
~ 20 years ago
