June 15, 2024

1 ene 2014 año - Hendo Hoverboard


The hover board—a type of skateboard that levitates like a magic carpet—had been a pipe dream since its fictional debut in 1989’s Back to the Future Part II. Now California-based tech firm Hendo has built the real thing.
Granted, there are caveats. Hendo’s hover board can float only an inch or so above the ground, and even then only over conductive material like copper or aluminum. Just 10 are being made to order (so far). And battery life is 15 minutes.

But the technology that powers it could be revolutionary. Using the $450,000-plus it raised on Kick starter, Hendo founders Jill and Greg Henderson plan to develop magnetic “hovering” tech to stabilize buildings during earthquakes, protect valuable works of art and more. “The hover board is the first step to bringing this technology to the world,” says Greg.

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1 ene 2014 año
Ahora mismo
~ 10 years ago