April 1, 2024

1 ene 1936 año - First programmable computer made


1. The Z1 had many of the same components as modern computers (despite being way less efficient and capable) such as a control unit, micro sequences and memory. This shows that people were on the right track to creating these now super powerful machines all the way back in the late 1930's

2. This computer used the binary system of switches to send or block simple signals which allowed the device to complete more complex equations. By proving the ability that simple 1's and 0's can be used in electronics for computing, future computer engineers were more inclined to use this method in the future.

3. While the abacus allowed for simple calculations, the ability to complete these without constant manual attention (not including the intense maintenance this machine would take to keep running) allowed for a much easier and more hands-free computing experience, perfect for lazy people.

Añadido al timeline:


1 ene 1936 año
Ahora mismo
~ 88 years ago